Why “BZ FurFur,” You Ask

BZ FurFur

One of the most frequent questions we get here is about our choice of name. Why would a company that does primarily pyrography call itself BZ FurFur? It’s simple. Zona, our artist, is not just a pyrography artist. She likes to create items that incorporate all forms of woodworking, fibercraft, calligraphy, brush-lettering, painting, and many other mediums. We wanted something that was going to focus on the artist and their inspiration, not on the medium.

BZ stands for Brian and Zona. As mentioned, Zona is our artist. She is responsible for all the creations in our shop. Brian handles a lot of the behind-the-scenes work. You may see his name pop up on the website or run the booth at a popup market. The FurFur requires a bit more explanation.

In addition to our two boys, Matthew and CJ, we have quite a variety of pets (aka our FurFurs) in our home. Four cats (Fancy, Phoebe, Aesop, and Frankie), two hedgehogs (Lacie and Gracie), and two sugar gliders (Merlot and Lore). We felt that BZ FurFur captured our personalities and leaves the doors wide open for Zona to be as creative as possible expanding her products beyond just one technique or tool.

Thank you to Lucas Farrar for the amazing watercolor picture of the critters. You can see more of Lucas’ work at https://www.instagram.com/lucascfarrar/ and donate to his Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/LucasCFarrar