We just launched our brand new https://shop.bzfurfur.com and we’ve learned a lot in the process. We are launching this five-part weekly series, every Tuesday starting March 21, as a way to help other makers on a similar journey.
Showing: 41 - 43 of 43 RESULTS
A Piece Uniquely You
You’ve seen all the cool things that pyrography can create and now you want to work with an artist on a piece uniquely you. The first thing you want to do is find an artist with a style that appeals to you. Every artist has their own unique skills: do they favor thin lines over …
Proper Care for your Food-Grade Wooden Homegoods
Over the past few years, I have learned a thing or two about working with decorative wood pieces that need to be both beautiful and food-safe. When making plaques and signs you can easily apply a few coats of polyurethane to keep your loverly decore in pristine condition for years. Once I started making cutting …