Showing: 1 - 10 of 23 RESULTS

Pride 2024

Every year when August comes around there is a sense of excitement around BZ FurFur Headquarters.  It isn’t because the kids are going back to school or because the America’s Got Talent live shows are coming up. It’s because August in Charlotte means Charlotte Pride. For the uninitiated, Pride is an annual celebration of diversity …


Choosing Patterns for your Wood Art

As a pyrographer, when creating a piece, there are many things to take into consideration. What type of wood, what size, and what feelings does it evoke. Often times I will look at a piece of wood and see what I want to burn into the surface right away. Take, for example, what happened when …


Father’s Day

On June 16th we celebrate our fathers. This means different things to different people. What makes a father? It’s all perspective. For some, it’s the man who taught you to throw a baseball. For others, it’s the father figure who taught them what a carburetor was. Maybe it’s simply the person who listened, who encouraged, …


On Texture

One of the distinguishing elements of being a pyrographer is the ability to create texture. Since you are etching the image directly into the wood you can create a wide range of textures that are suitable for a number of different real-world elements.


Giving Back

This past weekend Brian and I were able to participate in a local fundraising event: SHRED: The Finale. SHRED was founded by Vic and his wife Tara. We met Vic at a Market at a brewery about 2 years ago. He told us about his skateboarding and the charity that he and some other older …


Burn the Deck

This weekend we will be attending a local fundraising event in Charlotte, SHRED, an annual event run by a friend of BZ FurFur’s, Vic Werany. SHRED is a way for the art and skateboarding community to come together and raise money for kids with life-threatening diseases such as Spina Bifida. It’s a great cause and everyone involved is putting their best effort into creating something unique this year. You see, this is the last year for this event, so everyone wants to make something extra special for the auction.