The BZ FurFur Blog

Showing: 51 - 60 of 78 RESULTS

Trial by Fire

One of the things that never occurred to me when starting my own business was finding the right audience. I make things that I love and that I am proud of. You think, then, that finding an audience of like-minded individuals who appreciate your art as much as you do will quickly follow. After two years of markets and art shows, I have come to realize that it takes more than just “putting yourself out there”

Events Inspiration

Pride and Adventure

Even when you are doing the job that you love it can be hard some days.  Whether it is putting in late nights to meet a deadline, getting up early to get ready for a show, or having to put off that one thing that you want to do for the dozen other things you …


Happy Independence Day

Every year at this time we look forward to picnics and happy times with friends and family enjoying food, drinks, and good company. Of course, let’s not forget the Fireworks. When I lived in New York I went a few times to see the Macy’s Fireworks display in Midtown Manhattan. The show they put on …

Middle Earth

Go Big or Go Home

As a creative, I am always thinking about making; what can I do next? What should I do next? I have mental and written lists of projects to do, requests from customers, and ideas I get from speaking to people at markets. This abundance of projects can be wonderful but it can also leave me …