I’m not going to sugar-coat things. 2024 has been a tough year. Prices on essential goods are going up, pay growth for most people isn’t matching the growing cost of living, and the first thing that most people need to sacrifice when going through these tough economic times are non-essentials. This includes art and home …
The American Dream
It being Independence Day here in the US it is a good time to reflect on how lucky we are to have the opportunity, as Americans, to run a small business and do the things that I love. Having spent the better part of my adult life working in retail and in the government I …
The Customer and the Artist
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” ― Andy Warhol I am an artist. It took me a long time to admit that to myself. Before making this realization …
Four Tips for Working with Your Artist on a Custom Piece
Four Tips for Working with your Artist on a Custom Piece
They say that art is subjective, and rooted in personal opinions and biases. Conversely, as artists, we still strive for community. How does one take a mostly solitary endeavor, which is so aligned with one’s personal preferences, and make it communal? You can brainstorm with other artists and share ideas, but ultimately, one artist works on a piece at a time (with the rare, very cool, exception of two artists co-operatively painting on the same canvases simultaneously)
World Book Day
In honor of World Book Day I decided to spotlight a few of the authors who inspire me to make my creations J. K. Rowling: Author of the Harry Potter series Rowling is the creative mind behind the unforgettable magicians of Hogwarts. I fell in love with this book series when it was first printed …
On Being an Artist
Over the past three years of creating pieces for BZ FurFur I never really thought of myself as an artist. A maker, a creator, and a pyrographer, but not an artist. An artist is a title reserved for people who live in lofts, wear barrettes, and talk about how this piece makes you “feel”.
The One About the Belgeris
The One About the Belgeris
Work-Life Balance
Balancing being an artist, running a business, and maintaining a personal life is a lot trickier than I thought it would be. On one hand, being my own boss gives me something that is important to me: autonomy. It affords me the ability to make my own hours for however long I want to. With this, however, comes other pressures and problems.
Taking a break – be back soon
Hey all. Just a quick heads-up that we’ll be taking a break from the blog for a few weeks. Zona is having some health issues and is taking some time to recuperate. We’ll be back before you know it with more insights, stories, and advice for artists and pyrographers. Until then, stay unique.