The BZ FurFur Blog

Showing: 11 - 20 of 82 RESULTS

Creative Cloud Week 1 – Photoshop

Brian here again. As promised I am back after my first week taking a look at the latest Adobe Photoshop that comes with Creative Cloud. As mentioned in last week’s blog post: I haven’t used Photoshop in over 10 years opting for the free alternative, Gimp, as my primary tool for Image Manipulation. Now, granted, …


Mastering Adobe Creative Cloud

Howdy. Brian here this week.  Last week Adobe was having a Cyber Monday deal on their Creative Cloud bundle offering it at half off for an annual subscription. We’ve been hesitant about subscribing to Creative Cloud because it is costly. We figured, however, it’s an investment in the business and there are a number of …


Thankful 2024

Being that this week is Thanksgiving I think it is apropos to use the blog to reflect on some of the things we are thankful for.  Brian: I am thankful for opportunities. This year has been a year of new possibilities: possibilities for the business, for my family, for my job, and for my education.  …

Spider on Web

Website Tune-up

We wrote a blog post last year on creating your own website as an artist. You can find that post here. This post is mostly about maintaining your site. This month we took a a look at our website,, with a critical eye and had to make some decisions about what works and what …

Two people signing a contract

Applying for Grants

Creating a successful small business as an artist is hard work. So much has to go into creating your work, building an audience and managing the back of house.  Now consider you have to do all this and still be profitable.  As much as we, as artists, want our business to be about the art, …

A plant growing out of dirt being held in someones hand

Adapting your Business

As a small business you often have a vision. You want to create the things that you love and you want your customers to love them as much as you do. Honestly, I would love to just make the things I want to every day. In reality, though, this isn’t always how it is going …