Looking outside it is hard to believe Easter is just a few short weeks away. In many parts of the country, it is still cold and blustery but we are at the cusp of spring and, for many of us, that is a time to reflect on our spirituality. This could be spending a few minutes each day meditating, praying alone, praying with our friends and family, or going out and lending a hand to others in our community.
Having reminders around the house of our spirituality is one of the greatest catalysts to incite our faith. This Easter think about putting up a few crosses around your home. Having beautiful, unique crosses in every room of your house ensures you always have something to remind you of God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice.
Bringing your crosses to a priest is another way to bring greater spirituality into your home. Most priests will be more than happy to bless an item at the end of mass or at your request. It doesn’t need to be the most ornate cross, something simple might be all you need. You can even make them from materials around the house or wood blanks from the dollar store and use designs you find online to decorate them in meaningful ways.
You can also buy some beautiful unique crosses from our shop. We have several designs rooted in the Celtic culture that is hand-burned, hand painted, sealed, and blessed. If you want a unique and subtle reminder in your home of the importance of spirituality and faith you are welcome to order some for yourself or your loved ones.
Have a blessed Easter and a wonderful spring.
– Brian and Zona (BZ)
Our Collection of hand-burned, hand-painted Celtic-Inspired Crosses