
  • Website Tune-up

    Website Tune-up

    This month we took a a look at our website,, with a critical eye and had to make some decisions about what works and what doesn’t.   Two years ago, when we moved off Etsy and decided to launch our own website, we made a lot of decisions about the organization of the site.…

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  • Applying for Grants

    Applying for Grants

    Creating a successful small business as an artist is hard work. So much has to go into creating your work, building an audience and managing the back of house.  Now consider you have to do all this and still be profitable.  As much as we, as artists, want our business to be about the art,…

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  • Adapting your Business

    Adapting your Business

    As a small business you often have a vision. You want to create the things that you love and you want your customers to love them as much as you do. Honestly, I would love to just make the things I want to every day. In reality, though, this isn’t always how it is going…

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  • Getting out of the Red

    Getting out of the Red

    I’m not going to sugar-coat things. 2024 has been a tough year. Prices on essential goods are going up, pay growth for most people isn’t matching the growing cost of living, and the first thing that most people need to sacrifice when going through these tough economic times are non-essentials. This includes art and home…

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