Imagine your next board game night you serve your guests their drinks on the beautiful, hand-burned Carcassonne coasters.
For anyone who is a fan of modern board games, Carcassonne is a name that is sure to remind you of countless nights with family and friends where you are trying to outsmart them as you build castles and litter the landscape with farmers, monks, robbers, and knights. For those who are uninitiated Carcassonne is a game of two to five players where you take turns drawing tiles that are then placed alongside other tiles as long as all adjacent tiles have matching city walls, fields, or roads. After doing so you can place a wooden figure on the board, called a meeple, to indicate that you are claiming that space which will score you points at the end of the game.

As fans of the game, we thought, what better way to show our appreciation for this ground-breaking game than by creating something that you can use at every game night: drink coasters. Using a few of the classic tiles and my trusty Razertip, watercolor markers and crayons, and polyurethane I was able to create a perfect homage to this fan-favorite game. After Brian shared the pictures of the coasters on Reddit it blew up. We got customers from as far as London, England requesting their own set of tiles. In one week we ended up making 20 sets of coasters and one specialty winter-themed coaster for one special someone’s birthday.

Little did we know that our little nod to a family favorite games would get so many people’s attention. Now that our orders are filled we will, once again, be taking orders for sets and hopefully adding some unique inspiration to family board game nights around the world.

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