Being that this week is Thanksgiving I think it is apropos to use the blog to reflect on some of the things we are thankful for.
Brian: I am thankful for opportunities. This year has been a year of new possibilities: possibilities for the business, for my family, for my job, and for my education.
The Business: Although the economy was tough this year the business thrived in many other ways. It gave us the chance to look for innovative ways to expand the business into different products and new venues. This year was the inaugural season of our Podcast “Pyro Toasty Talks” with David and Renee. I also had a chance to put some of my IT skills to the test and completely redesigned our website.
Family: We are crossing a threshold as a family as our boys are growing into young men. With college on the horizon, working part-time jobs, driving, and, of course, girls, we are starting to see what life beyond the nuclear family is going to look like. These are bittersweet times, but they are still something I am thankful for as it means that we’ve done our job of preparing them for life beyond the Greig household.
Job: Last year I made the decision to take a job at another employer. This would be my fourth company I’ve worked for in my 20 years in IT. It was a risk and I had to seriously consider the risk and reward. Fortunately it was the right choice and this year I achieved much more at this job than I have at others. Working with people I respect, and who respect me, has made it so much easier for me to start every day and achieve my goals.
Education: This is a big one for me. This year I started my Masters degree. Over two decades have passed since I got my B.S. and I never thought I would be able to go back to school. Now, here I am, two semesters into my Masters Degree course and I am starting to realize this is something I can achieve.
And, of course, I am thankful for my wonderful wife, Zona, who has encouraged me to seize these opportunities. Without her support I could very well have let these opportunities slip away and been content with what was ‘safe’.
Zona: I am thankful for growing my friendships with my online friends / peers by spending time together, in person. Having moved from NY to NC I don’t have a lot of friends who I can see in person. I have met a lot of people virtually through pyrography, some of whom I’ve met in person, and it is nice to meet people who are close enough that I can meet with them more frequently.
I am thankful for my opportunity to grow as a pyrography artist. By connecting with others who I look up to. It is nice to be able to talk to the people in the industry I consider mentors. They have pushed me out of my comfort zone and empowered me to create things that I, otherwise, didn’t think I could.
I am grateful for my loving husband who pushes me and supports in my dream. Without him I can assure you, I would not be doing this.
This year I sold several pieces that I was very proud of. When I was at my lowest I sold some of those larger pieces which gave me validation. Validation that I am doing what I should be doing. I am thankful for those customers.
There is a lot for us to be thankful for. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great start to the holiday season. What are you thankful for? Tag us @bz_furfur and let us know. And, as always, stay unique.