As many of you may know last year we, along with our friends David and Renee of It’s David and Renee, started a podcast called Pyro Toasty Talks. We are now in the process of recording the second season which is scheduled to deliver on March 5 with all new tips on pyrography, art, wood, and running a small business. For those of you who missed the first season, there is still plenty of time to catch up. Here is a recap of the 2024 season in case you just want to cherry-pick the episodes that are of interest to you
- Episode 1 – The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How – In this episode we introduce ourselves, tell you a bit about the podcast, what to expect, and give you an idea if this is a podcast for you.
- Episode 2a and Episode 2b – It’s David and Renee and BZ Furfur – In these two episodes we talk about our respective businesses. How did we get started, what did we love, what were we looking forward to, and what were some of the challenges of starting a business?
- Episode 3 – Our Favorite Pyro Things – Much like the great Frank Sinatra we like to discuss a few of our favorite things. In this episode, we talk about the things that we love about pyrography and wood-burning.
- Episode 4 – Our Least Favorite Pyro Things – In this episode, we spill the tea and talk about things that we dislike about everything pyrography. Everyone loves a little drama.
- Episode 5a and Episode 5b – All About Doing Shows – Another two-parter. In these two episodes, David and Renee and BZ FurFur discuss, respectively, about how we do shows. Tips and tricks, what you need for your first market, and all the things we learned along the way.
- Episode 6 – Custom Orders: Dos, Don’ts, and Definitely Don’ts – Should you or should you not do customer orders? We discuss the pros and cons of doing custom orders, our process, and how we set prices.
- Episode 7 – What Sells and What Doesn’t… Choosing Items – One of the most difficult parts of running a business is finding your customer. In this episode, we talk about who our customers are, what sells for us, and how you can find your “people”.
- Episode 8 – Transporting and Protecting – Transporting products to and from shows and markets can be a challenge. When you are traveling with thousands of dollars worth of product it is imperative you protect your assets. In this episode, we discuss our tips and tricks on how to make sure everything is delivered safely and securely.
- Episode 9 – The Toolkit – We often talk about our toolkits. The necessary items that we travel to and from every show with so that we can MacGuyver our way through any situation. We both discuss what we travel with and what we can’t live without.
- Episode 10 – Pricing Your Work – If you are new to selling your art this is the episode you MUST listen to. We talk about how we set our prices, what things to consider when pricing your work, and how to pay yourself for your time. Also, you learn about the illusive “Spreadsheet”.
- Episode 11 – Fireside Chat – In this episode, we take a break from specific topics and just talk about art, business, and life.
- Episode 12 – How to Stay in Love with Art – It is so easy to become jaded when you are working every day on your art that you can forget why you fell in love with making it in the first place. We discuss what we love about our art and ways to keep that spirit alive.
- Episode 13 – Year in Review – This episode was our retrospective on 2024, what worked for us, what didn’t, who inspired us, and what we are looking forward to in the coming year.
Overall our first season of Pyro Toasty Talks was a huge success. We’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback and discussion in our Discord Channel, lots of fans following us on our Instagram, and a steady stream of subscribers on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify. So, catch up on what you may have missed last year, get yourself a T-Shirt, and make sure you subscribe in your podcatcher of choice so that you don’t miss when the new episode drops on March 5th and, as always, stay unique (and toasty).