Being in Charlotte we have been blessed that Hurricane Helene passed us and left our home and our community unharmed. Some of our neighbors to the west were not so lucky and there has been significant storm damage to their property as well as many lives lost. We have friends in Asheville, and they are perceiving, but many other families struggle to overcome this difficult situation.
If you are interested in helping here are some charities you can donate to:
- Beloved Asheville (https://www.instagram.com/belovedasheville)
- Rural Organizing and Resilience (https://www.instagram.com/_roar_wnc)
- Brother Wolf Animal Rescue (https://www.instagram.com/brotherwolfanimalrescue)
- MANNA Foodbank (https://www.instagram.com/manna_foodbank)
Keep all our friends and neighbors in Western North Carolina in your thoughts and prayers.