When I started doing pyrography professionally three years ago there was a fairly accessible community of people. Not a week went by where there wasn’t something: competitions, community events, live discussions, etc. These made it incredibly easy to join the pyro community. I have noticed, however, that lately there has been less of a community which I think is unfortunate for anyone new looking to try their hands at taking the hobby seriously or doing it professionally. Now, I am by no means the expert who is going to unite the community single-handedly, but I do think it is something that we can work together to do. Enter Pyro Toasty Talks.
What’s a Pyro Toasty Talk?
David and Renee, of itsdavidandrenee.com, Brian, and I have been working on a podcast as a way to open up the community in a way that we feel has been lacking. There are other wonderful Podcasts that as well as blogs and other mediums that give people a foot in the door but we wanted to create something different. The aforementioned Pyro Toasty Talks is a podcast that takes a different approach. By focusing on casual conversation, open and honest dialog, stories of our own personal experiences, and a healthy dose of our unique brand of humor, we are hoping that we have created something that gives people the confidence and knowledge they need to succeed in pyrography, woodworking, and starting a small business.
The concept is simple. We both started out with little to no background in starting a business as an artist. As a result, we have learned a lot and come a long way from when we first started. Now we want to pass that information on. We have met so many aspiring artists who struggle, get frustrated, and ultimately give up on their dreams to make a business out of what they love. It is our intention to get you on the right track to where you can build up the skills and wisdom necessary to create your own destiny.
What about the community? Won’t anyone think about the community?
At the center of any healthy industry is a community that is open to sharing ideas. We’ll be working on things to bring the community together. In addition to the Podcast, and the website pyrotoastytalks.com, we’ll also be starting a Discord channel to bring people together in meaningful discussion. This will give people a chance to ask questions, offer ideas for future episodes, and build lasting relationships with other members of the community.
If this is a success we’ll hopefully be able to bring the community together in other meaningful and diverse ways. There are so many people with such a passion for woodburning and it is growing rapidly every day. Hopefully, we can see this continue to grow and build the tools and technology to bring everyone together all over the world.
That’s it for us. Follow the Pyro Toasty Talks Instagram to stay up-to-date on the release cadence for new episodes when they start to drop and, of course, stay unique.