Well, the holidays came and went; as fast as ever. We’re starting off a new year and it’s time to start planning what’s in store for BZ FurFur. Some of the things we have lined up:
- More original, one-of-a-kind pieces. Our focus over the break is new techniques, new tools, and new original patterns. I have been hard at work on some new Mandala patterns that will make amazing adornments in your home.
- Juried shows, art walks, and bigger events. This year we are looking to get more of our pieces included in local art shows, juried shows, and other events that focus on local artists. We’ll also be looking at more events like Charlotte Pride and Small Business Saturday which got us in touch with so many new people.
- Commissions, commissions, and more commissions. We have started off the new year with some amazing commissions right off the bat with more coming down the pike. If you have something you would be interested in now’s the time to start talking so we can bring your idea to life.
- Calls for artists. With so many programs in Charlotte that are looking for artists, we’re hoping to have our pieces showcased in more venues throughout the year.
This is not to mention pop-up markets, our stalls at Peddlers Paradise and 923 Fabrics in Monroe, more products on the online shop, blogs, newsletters, and so much more. We’ll be sure to keep you up-to-date on all the plans as time goes on. As always, stay unique.