As an artist, a small business owner trying to launch a new business, a wife, a mother, and being owned by many little furry creatures sometimes it is really hard to take time for yourself.

I went to Atlanta, GA for a few days this month so I could spend some time with my best friend. Although we are not too far from each other (we were much further apart when I lived in NY) it is still hard to get together. 10-15 years ago, it was so much easier: I would drive to his house, and demand company for whatever shenanigans we decided on for the day. Then we got older and things changed: we decided to move away in the hope of a better life. We still got together once or twice a year, but it wasn’t the same. He would go up to NY to hang out with me for a few days. 3 years ago I decided to change MY life, and I decided to move to NC. Granted we are closer in distance than we were, but it’s still not so easy to get together. He came to NC a few times but according to BFF code, it was high time I visited GA again. So off I went! This time I drove instead of flying. 

As a child, I wanted to be a veterinarian. The thought of helping animals be better, and get better spoke to my heart. Things change over time and my choice of profession changed. My love for animals (clearly) has not. If I could have a zoo I would.

We spent a whole day at my favorite Aquarium: The Georgia Aquarium. AND IT WAS AMAZING! I LOVE their big tank (the viewing room is 60 feet wide and 30 feet tall).  I think I sat there for about an hour just watching thousands of species of fish swim by, including 2 whale sharks. One day I want to get my scuba license and go scuba in that tank! We saw a Sea Lion show and a Dolphin show. It’s a good thing it was hot outside, and I was wearing shorts and waterproof shoes because I sat in the splash zone. It was amazing to be able to be so close to them. We wandered the whole aquarium for about 6 hours. I am looking forward to going back again.

I am also a  big Harry Potter fan (Ravenclaw, anyone?). We went to a popular restaurant called Amore e Amore that has themed dinners. They decorate the establishment with a theme. This night it was a Harry Potter/Halloween night. The food was delicious, the drinks too. I had a butterbeer and it was so good!

We walked and wandered, found a new bookstore, and an old favorite Asian food market, and discovered a “new” (to us) TV show. Like old times the we were younger, we simply hung out and talked.

I got the chance to explore our world a few times this summer – from Iceland to Ireland to Georgia. It’s important to take some time and refill your personal “feel good” cup. 

But now it’s back to the grind! We’ve got markets coming up and special orders to do!