Today is International Cat Day. What better day to pay homage to not only my favorite animal but to one of the critters that helped name the business.  Don’t get me wrong, I love all animals. If I had my way I’d have a mini-zoo.

Being an only child, growing up around mostly adults, I learned how to entertain myself. My parents separated, they switched off on custody of me, and I changed schools every couple of years. Granted this led to me being shy and having trouble making friends. Despite all of this I knew I loved animals. If there was an animal around, I wanted to pet it, cuddle it, and love it.  There was nothing I craved more than their unconditional love.

The Pets of My Youth

It all started with an all-black poodle named Lady. Unfortunately, I don’t remember her too much about Lady. I was really young when my family got her and when we moved Lady was re-homed.  She moved to a farm where she had room for her to run.

The next pet I had (excluding my Dad’s fish tank) was an all-black cat I named Lucky. She was friendly and loving. Although she wasn’t a lap cat, I knew in my heart that I had found my soul animal in a cat.

I worked at a pet store for a few years, and had a “mini zoo” in my apartment: Sugar Gliders, a Hedgehog, a Giant Day Gecko, a Veiled Chameleon, Red-Ear Slider Turtles, water snakes, a Canary, rabbits and of course cats.

The Cats of Brooklyn

Myschif was a white cat with black patches that made her look like a cow (hence her nickname, Mooschif). She was aloof as most cats are, but she loved being near me and watching humans. When my ex, Jen, met her I knew she was special when Mischief climbed up on her and loafed on her chest. Jen and I were together for about 5 years, and remained close friends for 22 years, until her passing in 2022. Myschif passed away the week after my father passed away in 2006

While we were together we found a calico whom we name Kayos and, good lord, did she live up to her name. She was tiny and sick when we found her but we nursed her back to health. She was Jen’s cat and Jen was her person. Unfortunately, Kayos developed some sort of skin disorder that the vets couldn’t fix. She wore a cone for the rest of her short life before crossing the rainbow bridge. 

Our third cat, Harley, came to us via my best friend. He was an all-black cat, with yellow eyes, and a little white blip on his chest. He was supposed to be named Havoc but he refused to respond. He ended up picking his own name when he purred so hard he sounded like a Harley. Harley passed away in his sleep a few years ago.

The Modern Era of Meow

For some time I wasn’t allowed to have any pets. My ex-husband, who I suspect didn’t really like animals in general, forbade it stating that our Landlord did not approve of pets. For 14 years I longed for the unconditional love a pet gives.

When I left my ex and moved to North Carolina I immediately wanted to adopt a cat. I had felt like a big part of me was missing when I was pet free. I knew that healing was going to require filling that missing piece of me.

One of the great things about dating Brian (besides all his wonderful qualities that make me love him so much) is his 2 cats: Phoebe and Fancypants (aka Fancy). They are two older biddies with much to say. Phoebe is a cream Calico meaning she is a calico with muted colors. Fancy is a Tuxedo – she looks like a white cat with a black cape, mask, and tail. Phoebe loves to wait until Brian, her human, is sitting on his bean bag chair so she can demand cuddles. Fancy prefers our youngest, CJ. She spends her days sleeping on his top bunk in his room or the very top of our massive cat tree.

Aesop is my orange, spoiled, loving brat. I take all the blame for his feeling of entitlement (outside his natural cat tendencies). He came to us via one of Brian’s friends after being found by himself crying for attention and food. Brian showed me his picture and I was instantly in love. When we first brought him home was so tame, and cried if he was left alone.  Poor baby had cried himself hoarse. I wanted to hold him so much I barely put him down for the first year, carrying him almost everywhere – around the house, to the craft stores, anytime I left the house, a 12-hour road trip to Pennsylvania. He loves to be held while he sleeps and I love holding him. I don’t take him out with me too much anymore as he has grown out of it, but he hangs out with me in the garage while I work. I’d like to think he enjoys my company just as much as I love his.

Frankie is our newest family member. She too came to us via one of Brian’s friends. Frankie had wandered onto their deck demanding food and attention. They called Brian to see if we could watch the kitten “overnight”. We drove to get her and asked what they planned to do with her if her “owner” wasn’t found. They said they would probably take her to the shelter if no one claimed her. We said that if an owner didn’t show up, she would stay with us. And stay with us she has. She is a little over a year old now, so very talkative, and tiny. She is certainly the tiniest cat in our clowder (footnote: did you know a group of 2 or more cats called a “Clowder”?) and fearless. When we brought her home, although the bigger cats would hiss at her she STILL would try and go up to them and make friends. Aesop did not like her. But I wonder if it was more jealousy than anything. Eventually, though, Aesop found a playmate in Frankie and now the two of them tire each other out playing. 

Brian and I started BZ FurFur in 2021. When we were deciding on a name for our business we incorporated the furries: B for Brian, Z for Zona, and FurFur for the many furries in our house.