There is a phrase that can be traced back for over millennia to a Roman poet Sextus Aurelius Propertius “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”. We sometimes take for granted the things that we have and the relationships we build not realizing the need to nurture and develop them before they whither. You always expect your family, friends, and loved ones to just be there because they are. When you are running a business, raising a family, working, or doing any of the other million day-to-day activities that we all find ourselves innodated with we can lose focus
The Land of Fire and Ice
Last month my cousin decided she was going to tie the knot with her wife. She was my bridesmaid at my wedding last year and I wanted to be there for her just the same. They decided to get married in Iceland where her bride-to-be lives. Of course, this meant saddling up for a trip across the Atlantic to be there for them both. Talk about an adventure: from traveling across the countryside outside of Reykjavík to hot springs, volcanos, and waterfalls to flying down to Ireland to see St Patrick’s Cathedral and Giant’s Causeway in Ireland I had my fill of excitement before returning home.
Traveling without Brian and the boys is always bittersweet. I got to see so many things but, at the same time, I didn’t have them to share in the excitement. I couldn’t believe how many times I would turn around to call Brian over to show him something only to remember he was thousands of miles away. As much as I enjoyed my travels it was wonderful to be back home.

On my honor
Not two days after arriving home Brian and the boys were off on an adventure of their own. Their adventure comes in the form of scouting. Brian is an Assistant Scout Master for our local BSA troop and the boys, Matthew and CJ, are Life and Second Class scouts respectively. With the boys getting older it is more and more critical for them to get their merit badges, earn their rank, and plan for their goals to reach Eagle. The most inspiring part of the trip was the accomplishments the boys made. Matthew led the troop, along with another young scout, as the Senior Patrol Leaders for the event. It was amazing how he thrived at teaching and bringing the younger scouts together. CJ set a goal for himself to complete a mile swim across the lake. Despite a grueling week of training, he accomplished it, with Brian at his side rowing along, only to follow it up the next day with a hike to the top of the knob.
Times like these are rare opportunities to teach boys how to truly live, grow, lead, and accomplish their goals. But, much like the trip to Iceland, it wasn’t long before Brian was longing to come home and for us to go back to being a family.

Orioles and Black-Eyed Sallies
After all of that excitement, we are once again off for a long weekend in Maryland to get together with Brian’s family. With everyone living in different parts of the country, we have to be creative in where we meet up. This year we’re going to Baltimore to spend a few days seeing the sights, and enjoying the rare opportunities when we, his parents, brothers, and nephew can spend together. As much fun as it is to get together with them at Christmas time, it is these summer trips that are when we get to truly connect without all the chaos of the holidays.
Grow Fonder Still
It was an exciting summer but what we really look forward to now is reconnecting as a family. School is starting back up, we’re getting back to the business, and we’re getting back into routine. Much like we enjoy getting together with friends and family who we haven’t seen it is now time for us to, once again, enjoy the company of each other and continue to make great memories together.